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Beware fraudulent thoughtbot job listings
You are in the right place ( to find the most up to date job openings from thoughtbot! However, it has come to our attention that there is a party or parties reaching out to individuals through channels like WhatsApp claiming to be thoughtbot and offering fake jobs in data optimization and/or app optimization.
Join the thoughtbot community
thoughtbot works with companies in every step of the process to help identify and solve problems. We lead and participate in product design sprints, build high-quality apps, and then deploy them. We use emerging and effective technologies and methods on both internal and client projects. We believe there is always a better way to do our work, and take initiative to improve ourselves, the company, and our community. Read more about how we work in our Playbook.
Our team works in a relaxed and educational environment to develop excellent products for our clients. We work a sustainable pace of 40 hours/week. We also reserve at least 4 weeks per year for investing in ourselves, the company, and our community. Everything we do is predicated on having a great team and a culture of growing. We use the latest technologies and are always down to try new methods on both internal and client projects. Additionally, we maintain an inclusive work environment where everyone can thrive professionally, as well as have full lives outside of work. Meet the thoughtbot team.
thoughtbot works to create a more diverse, equitable, inclusive, fulfilling, and safe environment for all people in our community. Our DEI council, with the support and engagement of thoughtbot leadership, leads a number of initiatives that impact how we interact with our clients, our community, and as a team. We are proud of the progress we have made so far and the dedication our team has to continuing to improve the world in all we do. Read more about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at thoughtbot or learn about our Purpose and Values.
Our Benefits
Our goal is to provide ourselves with the best possible benefits, tools to use, and environments to work in while staying sustainable. We've shared the details of all our benefits, along with all our salary bands in our compensation calculator, and our career paths.
Our Team Across the World
Our teammates are located throughout the Americas, Europe, West Asia, and Africa. We work together with teammates and clients in similar timezones.
About Our Apprenticeship
We've had an Apprentice position since 2011, and have successfully mentored over 50 apprentices. This full-time, paid position includes benefits and provides mentorship to people who are not yet ready to bill on client work. After a successful apprenticeship, you are promoted to the role of developer or designer. Read more about our apprentice program.
Our Available Apprenticeships
We currently have no open positions.
thoughtbot does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, age, national origin, marital status, disability, veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other reason prohibited by law in provision of employment opportunities and benefits.
thoughtbot does not accept unsolicited resumes from any source other than directly from a candidate. Any unsolicited resumes not originating directly from a candidate and sent to thoughtbot or any thoughtbot's employees, including unsolicited resumes sent to a thoughtbot mailing address or email address, are rejected. thoughtbot will NOT pay a fee for any placement resulting from the receipt of an unsolicited resume. thoughtbot considers any candidate for whom the recruiter has submitted an unsolicited resume referred by the company free of any fees.